Respect for the environment is one of the pillars of our sustainability frame and strategy. We consider the Environment as a common value.

Cementir recognizes the environmental responsibilities associated with all the aspects of its operations. The Group Environmental Policy provides guidance to the operating companies on the responsible management of the environment.

Our commitment

We firmly believe that the effective implementation and maintenance of the Environmental Management System compliant with the internationally recognized standard (i.e., ISO 14001) is the current approach in managing our environmental responsibilities and performance.

  • We consider the Environment as a fundamental factor when developing our operations and businesses. We strive to assess the environmental and socio-economic impacts either of greenfield sites or when bringing substantial modifications to existing ones, with the aim of generating a net positive result.
  • We promote efficient environmental practices and explore breakthrough technologies to minimize the environmental footprint of the products along their life cycle.
  • We set contextual and measurable environmental targets following an integrated approach and according to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • We regularly monitor, review and disclose the environmental performance according to reference indicators recognized at international level.
  • We develop constructive relationships, based on utmost openness and trust, both within the group and with the local community and Institutions to share environmental challenges for the conservation of such common value.
  • We encourage employees and third parties along the supply chain (suppliers, contractors, customers), including through specific training and sensibilization activities, to develop and demonstrate sustainable environmental practices aligned to this policy.
  • We ensure compliance with all applicable local, regional, national and international legislation as well as corporate guidelines and rules.

Our focus

  • Climate change

    The CO2 strategy roadmap to net zero by 2050, aligned with the 1.5 °C scenario defined in the Cement Sector guidance of SBTi1, is based on three lines of action.

    Energy efficiency
    Increase the efficient use of energy in the framework of the Energy Management System compliant with the internationally recognized standard (i.e., ISO 50001). Promote energy recovery and the use of renewable energy sources.

    Alternative fuels and raw materials
    Increase alternative fuels usage such as low-carbon fuels and biomass. Adopt a co-processing and circular approach to waste as a fuel. Use decarbonized/alternative raw materials to minimize the usage of non-renewable resources.

    Product innovation and new technologies
    Increase the production of low-carbon cement such as FUTURECEM® and encourage the circularity throughout the products life cycle analysis.
    Increase the use of concrete-based demolition waste as substitutes of natural aggregates in concrete production following our circular economy strategy.
    Engage and participate in new technologies implementation such as Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage.

  • Water

    Starting with water-scarce areas as a priority, promote the sustainable use of water across all the activities. Reduce the water consumption increasing water reused/recycled, minimizing water losses and wastewater discharge, promoting water management efficiency practices.
    Ensure the access to WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) at an appropriate level of standard for all employees and contractors in all premises under our direct control, supporting partners across our value chains and communities.

  • Land use and biodiversity

    Identify and assess the potential impacts of the operations on ecosystem and implement mitigation actions, in order to minimize any adverse effect.
    Starting from areas with high biodiversity value, implement biodiversity management and monitoring plans to protect habitat for plants and animals. Develop rehabilitation/restoration plan for all quarries safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystems.

  • Emissions

    Mitigate the pollutant emissions and maintain an effective monitoring system to prevent and control of such emissions into the environment according to the Best Available Techniques. Mitigate the impact of the operations on surrounding areas and community.

  • Waste management

    Where feasible, minimize the production of hazardous waste and increase the waste recycled/recovered/reused adopting a circular approach.
    Enhance the environmental integration between cement and waste treatment business.

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